Rhinos Chasing Hyenas in Ngorongoro

LAST UPDATED: 7/28/23 – Rhinos Chasing Hyenas in Ngorongoro

Rhinos Chasing Hyenas
Two black rhinos grazing in the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania.

You never know what you are going to see when you go on safari.  That is one of the things we love the most about it.  We got pretty lucky when we were on safari in Africa.  We got to see all of the animals we wanted to see, as well as some pretty amazing behavior from the animals.

Without a doubt, one of my favorite things we got to see was a black rhino chasing several spotted hyenas in the Ngorongoro Crater.  You can see how formidable black rhinos can be, and why most other animals give them their due respect.

We aren’t really sure what set the rhino off.  If you watch the video, it almost looks as though it is protecting something.  Or it could be that the hyenas were after something and the rhino wanted no part of the hyenas in its neighborhood.

Whatever it was, this rhino was having none of it.  Let us know what you think.

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Categories: Africa, Safari, Tanzania, Travel Videos, Video, Wildlife, Wildlife AdventuresTags: , , , , ,


  1. Animals are always so fascinating! 🙂 I love safaris precisely because, as you say, you never know what to expect from them…

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