Don’t Wait to Renew – Passport Fees are Increasing

Passport Fees are Increasing
The execution fee for passports will be rising from $25 to $35 beginning on April 2, 2018.

If you are thinking about renewing your passport this year, you might not want to wait too long.  The United States Department of State recently announced that it will be raising the execution fee for passports from $25 to $35 starting on April 2, 2018.

Here is some key information you need to know about the fee increase:

  • As noted, the fee increased will be rising from $25 to $35
  • The fee increase will take effect on April 2, 2018
  • The execution fee is only charged to those who renew their passports in person at an official passport agency, such as the U.S. post office or other consular offices.  Those who renew their passport by mail will not be charged the execution fee.
  • The Department of Homeland Security is phasing out the use of identification cards that do not comply with the REAL ID Act, so a passport may be necessary for some who fly domestically soon as well.

So, if you are obtaining a passport for the first time, or you need to renew your passport in person, we suggest that you not hold off on getting your passport this year.  If you will need to renew your passport later this year but can do so by mail, then you need not worry about the fee increase.

Keep in mind, that most countries require that you have at least 6 months left on your passport at the time of entry to be admitted into the country, so getting your passport renewed well in advance of its expiration is always a great idea.

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  1. Oh my gosh! Thanks for the reminder. Ours expire in a few months, which I had forgotten. I’m not seeing much advantage (besides the price) to the mail-in vs in-person renewal since you still have to get your photo taken again. They’re super picky about the photos too. We had some taken and they rejected them because the background was a light beige instead of ivory or white.

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