What You Need to Know to See the Hoover Dam Visitor’s Guide

LAST UPDATED: 1/29/24 – Hoover Dam Visitor’s Guide

It is a marvel of the achievement of modern man.  It is the taming of one of America’s mightiest rivers.  A river that has sculpted such beautiful landscapes as the Grand Canyon.  Constructed starting in 1931, the Hoover Dam sits on the border between the states of Arizona and Nevada and harnesses the massive power of the Colorado River to provide electricity to much of the West Coast of the United States.

Hoover Dam

In addition to being an absolute marvel of achievement, it is also quite a beautiful dam.  I guess much of that is due to the stunningly beautiful landscape it sits in, but the dam itself is an amazing sight to behold.  It is definitely something worth seeing if you are ever in the Las Vegas area.

Hoover Dam Guide Navigation Menu

How to Get to the Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam is quite close to Las Vegas, which makes it a very easy and interesting side excursion for any Las Vegas trip.  It is a quick 45-minute drive Southeast of downtown Las Vegas.  Just take Highway 515 South to US-95 South for roughly 25 miles, and then take Highway 93 South for an additional 8 miles.  You will want to get off at the Hoover Dam Access Rd exit.

Hoover Dam Area Map
Hoover Dam Area Map

There is some parking off the access road, but you can also drive your car over the dam by following the access road to the other side.  If you would like to get out and hike, the Historic Railroad Hiking Trail is a neat side adventure.  You can get some absolutely amazing pictures in a short time just by pulling over to the park and walking up the access road to the dam.

Hoover Dam Map
Hoover Dam Map

Best Way to See the Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

It probably goes without saying that the best way to view the dam is to take one of the guided tours.  You get to see much more of the dam than you ever would be able to on your own.  If you are interested, here are some excellent tour options available from Viator.com.

Hoover Dam Area Tours

If you are planning a trip to see the Hoover Dam and the Lake Meade National Recreation Area, below are some valuable resources to assist you in your planning.

Other Attractions Near the Hoover Dam

In case you are interested in some additional adventure after checking out the Hoover Dam, here are some other amazing places in the general area.  There is so much to do and see in this area of the United States.

The Hoover Dam is really fun to photograph because it is such an impressive structure that was built in such a beautiful area.  Below are some of the pictures I have taken of the Hoover Dam during my many visits over the years.

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Categories: Mountain Park Guides, Mountain Parks, National Interest Spot, Nevada, North America, North America Travel Guides, Travel, Travel Guides, United StatesTags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. This is one of the places on my bucket list. I used to live in Vegas and still visit it but I have yet to visit the Hoover Dam. Wicked beautiful pictures and great information.

  2. Some really good shots here!! We stopped by on a trip to Vegas from Colorado once. I was struck by an atmosphere that I thought was vaguely North Korean. Although I’ve never been to South Korea!
    I’ve flown LA to Denver more times than I’d care to mention, but only very recently actually spotted the dam from the plane. It was spectacular and so obviously the Hoover Dam!

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