50 Signs You Might be a Travel Addict

LAST UPDATED: 2/11/24 – 50 Signs You Might Be a Travel Addict

We have all heard the terms before.  Wanderlust, the travel bug, nomads, vagabonds, wayfarers, drifters, and globetrotters.  All of these terms are used to describe, to a varying extent, people who suffer from one thing in particular, and that is an addiction to traveling. 

Once the travel bug bites you, it is a very hard thing to let go.  The excitement that one can get from traveling to new places and experiencing and learning new things can give you a rush and fulfillment that leaves you craving for more and more.

Travel Addict

If you are the type of person who consistently starts their stories with “when I was in…” or constantly adds locations to their bucket list, and can never seem to get that bucket list to shrink in size, then you might be a vagabond, nomad, or globetrotter.

To help you determine if you have been inflicted by the travel bug, I have compiled a helpful list of signs that you might be a travel addict.  You might not display all of these symptoms, but if you display more than you don’t then you just might be a travel addict.  But don’t worry if you are because you aren’t alone. There are many of us out there and it is a tight-knit community.

So, without further ado, you might be a travel addict if……

  •  You get anxious when you don’t have a trip planned.
  •  You have flown more airline miles in a year than all of your vehicles have mileage combined.
  •  You have a pinboard map to keep track of your travels.
  •  You often plan another trip before you have taken your next one (see #1).
  •  You know the airport codes for airports you haven’t even visited.
  •  You can pick up a piece of luggage and guess the approximate weight.
  •  You have watched every single travel show on Netflix.
  •  You have a collection of guidebooks and maps.
  •  You enjoy planning trips for other people.
  •  You have a travel site set as your browser homepage.
  •  Over half of the junk mail you receive in your email is travel-related.
  •  Over half of the apps that you have installed on your phone are travel-related.
  •  Over half of your Facebook or Instagram posts are travel-related.
  •  You have multiple different currencies in your wallet.
  •  You have a music playlist on your phone specifically for plane rides.
  •  You know your airline or hotel rewards numbers by heart.
  •  You know your passport number by heart.
  •  You have multiple travel rewards credit cards.
  •  You have pictures of the places you have been framed all over your house.
  •  You know your way around many different airports.
Travel Addict
  •  You have subscriptions to multiple different travel magazines.
  •  No matter how much you travel, your bucket list keeps getting longer.
  •  You have a travel-themed tattoo.
  •  Your clothes are divided between home and travel clothes.
  •  You have gotten combating jetlag down to a science.
  •  You have made getting through airport security quickly into a science.
  •  You have gotten packing a suitcase down to a science.
  •  Just the thought of booking flights gets you excited.
  •  You plan trips you have no immediate plans to take.
  •  Your idea of a trip involves at least two countries.
  •  You have registered for either Global Entry or CLEAR.
  •  You have a travel savings account.
  •  You can name at least 10 travel documentaries.
  •  You know phrases in at least 5 different languages.
  •  You have a favorite seat on airplanes.
  •  You count the number of countries you have been to.
  •  You are comfortable living out of a backpack or suitcase.
  •  You are not afraid of getting lost.
  •  You belong to at least five Facebook travel groups.
  •  You know the currencies of many other countries by heart.
Travel Addict
  •  Solo travel doesn’t phase you
  •  You know the best places to eat in most airports.
  •  You can give restaurant recommendations in foreign cities.
  •  You are on a first-name basis with the airline agents at the airport.
  •  You have registered accounts on every travel website on the Internet.
  •  You can give people directions in foreign countries.
  •  You have Facebook friends who live on multiple different continents.
  •  You know which airports have free WiFi and which do not.
  •  You have flown on over a dozen flights in a week.
  •  Your bathroom cabinet is filled with travel-sized containers.

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Categories: General Travel, Opinions, Travel InspirationTags: , , , , , , ,


  1. Now I know what I want for Christmas: a travel pinboard

  2. I definitely qualified for this before I got my puppy in April. Now I’m spending more time close to home and enjoying watching him grow. I’m sure I’ll be back planning exotic trips again but so far they’re only family and work related.

  3. Yeah I have a fair few of these, Netflix can’t release new series fast enough for me 😂

  4. I’m at 21 currently.

    Does the phrase “I gotta get that number up higher” count as one? LOL

  5. I have several of the symptoms, so I think I can safely self–diagnose: I am a travel addict. There’s just one more symptom you could list: You have a travel blog and you’re addicted to that, as well.

  6. I have more travel clothes than I have actual clothes to wear at home!! Defo a travel addict

  7. This is a great list! I relate a little too much!

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