Travel Journal (9/19/2019): Exploring Cairns

Today we got up early to see a few remaining things in Sydney before catching a plane to head to warmer weather in the tropical north (it still sounds weird to say that). After three days in Sydney, we will be exploring Cairns in Queensland. Here we hope to enjoy some beautiful beaches, head into the rainforest for a tour, and of course snorkel and dive on the Great Barrier Reef.

Sydney, Australia
Sydney Rainbow Crossing in Taylor Garden

Before we packed up our things and headed to Cairns, there were a few more things that we wanted to see in Sydney. We heard an awful lot about the Surrey neighborhood in Sydney, with its trendy stores and wonderful restaurants, so we checked it out.

Sydney, Australia

We also got to take a stroll thru Sydney’s China Town, which is something we really wanted to do. Little was open when we walked thru at 8am, but it was neat to get to see all of the shops and restaurants.

Overall, we really enjoyed our time in Sydney, even if the weather didn’t really cooperate with us at times. I feel like we had just enough nice weather to get the photographs we wanted, while at the same time the bad weather pushed us to try some things we might not otherwise have.

Exploring Cairns

That said, after all of the rain and cold, it was nice to be heading to Cairns. At the end of a 3-hour and 20-minute flight we were standing in 85-degree weather and loving every second of it.

Exploring Cairns

We have just had time to get settled in Cairns so far, but we have already had a wonderful seafood dinner and caught a beautiful Cairns sunset. I have a feeling I will be photographing quite a few of those while we are exploring Cairns.

Exploring Cairns
Great fish dinner at a restaurant named Tha Fish by the harbor

Tomorrow, we have to be up early because we are snorkeling and diving on the Great Barrier Reef. I have heard that we shouldn’t expect too bright of colors because much of the reef has been bleached out. That saddens me, but we are still excited to explore one of this world’s greatest places.

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  1. Oops! So behind on blog posts that I accidentally read this out of order. Enjoying hearing about your travels, though, out of order or not!

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