New Travel App Makes Tracking Shared Travel Costs a Breeze

LAST UPDATED: 11/29/23 – Tracking Shared Travel Costs

If you like to travel in groups, but dread having to keep track of who purchased what and who owes whom how much money, then you are going to absolutely love a new phone app that was recently developed.  The app’s name is Splid and it is revolutionizing the way groups are tracking and splitting the costs of travel.  Not only is it a brilliant idea that should help save travelers a ton of time and help avoid a lot of needless arguments about money, but the best part about the app is that it is so intuitive and easy to use.

Tracking Shared Travel Costs

Setup Your Travel Group

The first thing you will want to do after downloading the Splid app to your phone is to set up your travel groups.  Everyone who downloads the app is allowed to set up one group for free, but if you would like to add more than one group you will need to pay a small fee.  It costs $1.99 to be able to set up two groups and $2.99 to be able to set up an unlimited number of groups.

As you can see in the image below, I have downloaded the app and I have set up a travel group named “Hewitt Travel”.  I can add as many people as I would like to this new group by either sending them an invitation or having them enter my group code to join my group after downloading the app.

Tracking Shared Travel Costs - Create Your Travel Group

Track Your Group Travel Expenses

Once you and your travel partners have downloaded the app, you can all begin to track your shared travel expenses using the app while you are on your trip.  For instance, in the example below I have added two individuals named “John Doe” and “Mary Person” to my travel group.  During our trip, John paid for a shared Uber ride that we took to Univeral Studios, Mary bought us lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, and I purchased tickets for us to get into Universal Studios.

Track Your Travel Expenses.

Monitor Expenses as You Travel

What is really great about this app is that you can all monitor the shared expenses that each of you have paid while you are traveling.  This is really helpful because it will make it really apparent and obvious to everyone if one person is paying more of the expenses than others.

I also really like the app because it shows everyone what the total expenses are and what each person’s share of the total expenses for the trip will be.  This is important because we often don’t realize how much we are all spending because we are sharing the expenses as we travel.  That can make it seem like you are spending less than you really are.  This app will keep you on top of the expenses as you travel.

Tracking Shared Travel Costs - Monitor Expenses As You Travel

Settle Up When Your Travel is Done

When your trip is done, the Splid app will even do the complicated work and figure out the best way for your group to settle up.  By simply clicking on the Settle Up link, the app has automatically calculated who should pay whom what amount when our trip is done.  In the case of my example trip, it is recommending that John Doe pays me $99.17 and Mary Person pays me $49.17 to settle up our shared trip expenses.

Tracking Shared Travel Costs - Settle Up After Traveling

My Thoughts on the App

I have yet to use this app on a big trip, but I have tested it out on some small ones, and I really like the way that the app works.  Like I mentioned previously, it really makes it easy for a group of travelers to not only track their shared expenses, but it allows the group to stay on top of how much they are spending as a group as they travel. 

I can see this app revolutionizing group travel the way that the Kayak app has revolutionized the travel itinerary process.  It is definitely an app I would recommend to any traveler who needs a way of tracking shared travel costs.

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Categories: General Travel, General Travel Advice, Travel, Travel Planning Advice, Traveler AdviceTags: , , , , , , , ,


  1. Cool idea. Why don’t I come up with these ideas?!? Oh yeah. Because I rarely travel in groups and am a technophobe. Still, good to know it exists if I ever need it.

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