How to Check if You Are Booked on a Boeing 737 Max Airplane

Boeing 737 Max Airplane

If you are traveling in the near future, you are probably worried about whether your upcoming flight(s) are scheduled on a Boeing 737 Max 8 or Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft. In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news, these newer models of the popular Boeing 737 aircraft have been grounded by the FAA in the United States and in several other countries after a few recent fatal crashes.

Statement from Ethiopian Airlines on Boeing 737 Max Airplane
Statement from Ethiopian Airlines

If you are interested in checking to see if you are scheduled to fly on one of these aircrafts, here are some easy ways to check.

Boeing 737 Models

First off, I think it is important to discuss the Boeing 737 models. If you are booked on a Boeing 737-600, 737-700, 737-800, or 737-900, these are the older models of Boeings 737 aircraft that have been manufactured since 1991. These aircraft are NOT the Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft that have been grounded around the world. For more details, check out this article that outlines the different models of Boeings 737 aircraft.

If you are interested in seeing a list of all the airlines that use Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft, this Business Insider article has a comprehensive list. Of the major US airlines, American Airlines, Southwest, and United Airlines use these aircraft.

How To Check Your Aircraft

If you are interested in checking the type of aircraft you are scheduled to fly on, or determine how to check which aircraft a flight will use before booking, I have outlined two easy methods for you below.

Checking With Airline

One easy way to check to see if you are scheduled to fly on a 737 Max 8 or Max 9 is to check the airline’s app. The scheduled aircraft should be listed in the flight details, as shown below.

Checking With Airline on Boeing 737 Max Airplane
Delta Airlines App

Using the FlightStats Website

Another easy way you can check to see what type of aircraft is scheduled for a flight is to use the FlightStats website or App. As you can see below, under the flight details it lists the type of aircraft scheduled for flights. This can be useful in checking the type of aircraft scheduled for a flight before booking that flight.

Using the FlightStats Website on Boeing 737 Max Airplane
Using the FlightStats Website

I hope this information is useful as you prepare for your scheduled travel or book new travel. I hope everyone stays safe!

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Categories: Air Travel, General Travel, Travel, Travel HealthTags: , , , , ,


  1. The husband and I were just discussing this the other day when we heard about the recent crash. Thanks for the info. Sounds like our trip to England won’t be a problem, but I’m going to check, just in case…

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