Travel Journal (7/15/2020): Exploring Great Basin National Park

Today was the first day of our trip where we were heading back towards home instead of further away. After heading into Nevada from Southern Utah, we turned north to head towards Great Basin National Park. It’s a park I had seen plenty of pictures of and wanted to visit, but really didn’t know all that much about.

Exploring Great Basin National Park

While at the park, I learned that a basin is technically a valley where water goes in (by stream, snow melt, etc), but never goes out. After visiting the park, I can certainly see why it is called the “Great” Basin National Park. It is absolutely enormous.

The Day’s Itinerary

If you are interested in getting a detailed look at our itinerary for the day, I have included a link to our day’s itinerary for you to review below.

Great Basin National Park

Exploring Great Basin National Park

The park is also home to some of the world’s oldest Bristlecone Pine trees, which can live to be 3,000-4,000 years old at high altitude. This makes them the oldest living things on the planet. We drove up to Wheeler Peak and did some hiking where we got to see some of these beautiful old trees. They are amazing!

The park is also home to a complex cave system that hosts a large number of bats. The caves were closed when we visited, so we weren’t really able to take a tour. However, I did get some good shots of the cave entrance. It’s another interesting landscape to explore if you visit the park.

Photo Highlights

If you would like to see some additional pictures that I was able to take with my phone while at the park, I included some more for you to view below. I will be posting shots I took with my camera when I post a visitor guide on the park in the coming months.

Exploring Great Basin National Park

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  1. I love that last shot! Looks like the trees go on endlssly.

  2. Beautiful pictures and great post.

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this national park. We took “The Lonliest Road” (hwy 50 across NV toward Reno) several years back on a road trip, which means we got very close to it (I now see thanks go Google Maps). I must have missed the sign! Looks beautiful.

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